Arcanine/Moltres/Wigglytuff EX control deck


  • Growlithe x2
  • Arcanine ex x2
  • Moltres ex x1
  • Jigglypuff x2
  • Wigglytuff ex x2


  • Potion x2
  • X Speed x2
  • Poke Ball x2
  • Professor's Research x2
  • Giovanni x2
  • Sabrina x1


Hard to use deck that have a very high winrate against decks that primarily use pokemons with 120/130 hp. Very versatile as you can build both a Moltres/Arcanine ex combo, as well as a Wigglytuff ex to disrupt your opponent with sleep. The exception is decks that can reliably oneshot your Arcanine EX, where you NEED to build your Wigglytuff first. So meta and deck knowledge is needed.

Because of the pokemon's HP, and Arcanine's attack, it consistently beats Pikachu EX decks as Pikachu and Zapdos have 120/130 hp. Raichu however is able to oneshot the Arcanine as he is realistically at 130 hp unless he got sabrina'd in, so you gotta be careful of that

The deck is also hardcountered by Mewtwo EX decks, where the ONLY way to win is with Wigglytuff EX cointosses

Against every other deck, this deck have a 50-60% winrate. This deck is a bit luck dependent (sleep), but it is way less luck dependent than any water deck. Which is why this deck beats a lot of water decks as well (Not to mention that Arcanine oneshots Starmie with giovanni)

Further potential improvements are adding another Moltres EX and removing either a potion or a giovanni. This will allow the deck to more often get the Moltres/Arcanine ex combo, however since Moltres ex doesn't allow Wigglytuff ex to shine, it may not be worth it. A Red Card could also be worth it, but it will required removing other important tools like a potion or giovanni

This deck will also get stronger once the event jigglypuff with sing is added


Tournaments matchups so far:…

Here's the matchups of an alternative version of the deck with Aerodactyl instead of Wigglytuff: