Latest news

Exciting Updates and Announcements!

Opening of our new Discord server: 

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new Discord server! Join us here to chat, share your pulls and wonder picks, and much more. Our dedicated trade section makes posting your trading requests easy and efficient, thanks to the use of tags.

Development of Website Trading Features: 

Updates and Features Coming to PTCGP Tracker

Hello Everyone,

We've been at work over the past two weeks, and we're excited to share some updates and upcoming features with you!

Recent fixes :

  • We've resolved an issue with deck verification.
  • Typos have been fixed across the platform for a more polished user experience.
  • We've corrected the translations for "Blue" and "Leaf" cards.

Upcoming Pokémon TCG Pocket Set

Added card translations and fixed the deck voting bug


I've just deployed the missing translations for the following cards in French (FR), German (DE), Spanish (ES), Italian (IT), and Japanese (JA):

  • "Pokémon Flute"
  • "Mythical Slab"
  • "Budding Expeditioner"
  • "Blue > Blue"
  • "Leaf > Leaf"

Additionally, I've implemented new code to prevent anonymous votes from bots and cleaned up the voting database. Now, the deck voting results accurately reflect genuine user input.

Thank you for your continued support!

Happy new year 2025 from PTCGP Tracker!

Dear PTCGP Tracker Community,

As we step into the new year, I wanted to take a moment to wish each and every one of you a very Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season filled with joy and relaxation.

I must admit, the holiday rush kept me incredibly busy, and I didn't have as much time to work on the website as I had hoped. However, I'm excited to share that starting next week, I will be rolling out a series of updates, fixes, and new features to enhance your experience.

Public Decks Return, Enhanced Dashboard UI and Bug Fixes

Public deck posting has returned for all users, with moderation before publication.

We’ve made several dashboard enhancements, including better presentation of total cards, odds, and details for missing and owned cards. Currently, some changes are specific to the Genetic Apex section but will soon extend to the Mythical Island section.

We’ve also fixed bugs related to the Old Amber counter.

Bug fixes, upcoming features

Bug fixes:

  • Hide message status automatically after 5 seconds.
  • Fix typos in Pokémon plural and other labels.
  • Add Japanese and Traditional Chinese translations for items and trainer cards.
  • In the quick add form, add html attributes to prevent conflicts with autocomplete/autocorrect from browsers.

You can check the upcoming features for the next few days/weeks here.

New homepage design, bug fixes, improvements

  • Fixed Gym Leaders of Kanto Themed Collection
  • Improved +1 Feature: New quick action button to:
    • Add +1 to all cards
    • Remove 1 from all cards
    • Reset all cards to 0
    • Reload initial page
  • Desktop View: New option to match the app's layout while using desktop

New Homepage: Redesigned for a better user experience. Initially, the focus was on functionality and quick release, resulting in a less polished UI. Over time, incremental improvements were made.

Overlay improvements, Odds per pack regardless of position and more


I'm excited to announce that today I deployed a long-awaited feature: odds per pack regardless of card position. The calculation is as follows:

1 - ((1 - x)^3 * (1 - y) * (1 - z))

  • x represents the odds for the 1st to 3rd cards,
  • y represents the odds for the 4th card,
  • z represents the odds for the 5th card.

Additionally, I've added colors to highlight the minimum and maximum values for better visibility.

New navigation, cards translation effort

UI update

I recently deployed a new navigation system.

No more duplication with a mix of links in pages and in the menu. Now everything is centralised in a single menu.

  • On mobile: The burger menu opens all the links, grouped by categories (collection links, main navigation links, account links).
  • On desktop: We now have a horizontal menu with the same grouping. Hovering over a group with the cursor will display the links for that group.

The header takes up less vertical space than before.

New round of UI changes, bug fixes, membership updates


I am continuing to enhance the UI. I've spent time fine-tuning the spacing and font sizes to optimize space on both mobile and desktop. The goal is to enable quicker access to more information with less scrolling.

The work is ongoing, and I still need to improve the navigation system for both mobile and desktop (and a dedicated desktop navigation).

I have fixed some bugs in the quick add feature:

  • Corrected the German Pokémon names for Lin-Fu and Wie-Shu
  • Fixed the language persistence issue on this page

Membership updates: