Spank The Mankey


  • Mankey x2
  • Primeape x2
  • Dome Fossil x2
  • Kabuto x2
  • Kabutops x2


  • Sabrina x1
  • Giovanni x2
  • Professor's Research x2
  • Potion x2
  • X Speed x2
  • Poke Ball x1


This deck guarantees Mankey in your opening hand, with Poké Ball available to quickly pull a second Mankey if needed. The Promo Mankey is essential, as its move causes 10 self-damage, allowing for an easy evolution setup that hits for 100 damage per turn with Primape's "Fight Back" attack. While less effective, the Apex Mankey can be substituted until two Promo Mankeys are able to be included. Kabutops serves as an effective staller to build up additional Primape as it is a strong hitter with high self-healing capabilities.

With only four Pokémon, there’s no need to make decisions on bench placement, keeping the strategy straightforward. This deck is effective against most opponents, especially Pikachu EX decks, but is weak against Psychic types like Mewtwo EX.