UI update
I recently deployed a new navigation system.
No more duplication with a mix of links in pages and in the menu. Now everything is centralised in a single menu.
- On mobile: The burger menu opens all the links, grouped by categories (collection links, main navigation links, account links).
- On desktop: We now have a horizontal menu with the same grouping. Hovering over a group with the cursor will display the links for that group.
The header takes up less vertical space than before.
When scrolling down, the header remains sticky at the top, allowing continuous access to the menu.
Thanks to this, space optimisation is much better than before and it adds up with the recent improvements on spacing/sizing of elements.
Cards translations
Currently, translations only apply to Pokémon names because I could quickly and easily build a database for them using resources from public GitHub repositories. Now, I need to go further and implement translations for trainer, item, and supporter cards.
That's why I created a feature request for this here and need your help to get it done. Please add a comment in the feature request with the translations, and it will help me implement this.
Free website, Optional membership
I want to remind everyone that my goal is to keep the website free for all users. To support this, I've implemented ads and an optional paid membership. Currently, the main benefit of the paid membership is an ad-free experience, which also helps support the platform. More benefits for paid members are on the way, so stay tuned!