- Staryu x2
- Starmie ex x2
- Articuno ex x2
- Misty x2
- Giovanni x2
- Sabrina x2
- Potion x2
- X Speed x2
- Poke Ball x2
- Professor's Research x2
It is a flexible deck with two possible starters:
- You can open a game with Staryu if you have Starmie EX on your hand. It reaches its full potential in only two rounds and doesn't require Misty to be successful. Free retreat also gives you time to build Articuno EX or second Starmie EX and prevent the loss of 2 points.
- Articuno EX also works well since it can inflict damage with two energies. Ideally, you want to pair it with Misty to gain extra energy quickly. And when successful with your Misty toss, you can concentrate on building another Articuno EX or Starmie EX.
Lapras EX can be used instead of Articuno EX. It doesn't have faster, two-energy attack but can make up for it with self healing. Still requires successful Misty roll.
Psyduck and Golduck can be used instead of Staryu and Starme EX, however HP and DAMAGE difference can cost you games. Only good if you're on budget and doesn't have anything better to play with.